Sheffield ZenSpace

Thursdays, 18:00 - 20:00, or drop-in between times.
Rm.3, Shirley House, 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL.

Unston Grange - Autumn Retreat - Short Cut

Sheffield ZenSpace is a small voluntary organisation affiliated to Oxford ZenSpace, which aims to make Zen (Concentrative-Meditation), Yoga and other relaxing exercise practices, available in the Sheffield area. Regular daily Zen and Yoga practices (see below) are held at our home-centre. The Zen, Yoga and exercise practices are tailored to suit individual situations. Group instruction can be requested. We also run Zen-Brushwork sessions. Rinzai Zen events may be arranged within, or outside, the Sheffield area, by contacting Ryushin Gensho Roshi. We provide a Facebook Discussion page, which is open to the wider community.

Outside of retreat periods (7 days, 9 sesshins per year, members only) the following in house schedule is observed, except when travelling or otherwise away.
05:00 - 08:30 Tea/Zen-meditation/Sutra-zen/Yoga-zen.
16:00 - 18:00 Tea/Sutra-zen/Zen-meditation.
20:30 - 21:00 Zen-meditation/Vows

Thursday Evening Zen at Shirley House: This meeting is for all people interested in Zen who want: true experiential contact with their own innate, awakened mind-spirit; or just the occasional dip into Zen's vast sagacious wealth of clear, crisp far-sighted wisdom; to live a modern meaningful life within another path already established; or to map their own way forward. It doesn't matter if you belong to another group, you would be welcome. We try to be open, inclusive, and responsive, within the realms of being a traditional Rinzai Zen group. Realizing that people have tied-lives, we allow you to drop-in quietly at your convenience, but please be mindful of others. There is no charge for teaching, but a donations (∼ £5), towards room hire would be much appreciated. We no longer provide mindfulness meditation courses, as this forms part of our basic practice structure. More advanced training, such as breath-meditations, soft Chinese exercises and Sanzen/koans, are given to members during the evening upon request and appropriately.

Please bring a zafu/cushion, zabutton/mat/blanket and dress in loose, warm comfortable clothing - colour should be subdued (not white, cream, yellow, or beige).

Parking: Please don't park in Shirley House because the bays belong to the 'Methodist Homes'. It is sometimes possible to park in the street bays (watch for conditions of use). You can use the Church car park, next door, with mindfulness of access for others.

Sheffield ZenSpace is facilitated by Ryūshin Genshō Roshi (Richard Jones), Kaishin Zendō Sensei (Alison Churchill) and is affiliated to Oxford ZenSpace. Click here for further information on Events.